Sunday, April 02, 2006

i cant forgive.. cant forget cant give in.. what went wrong cause you said this was right. you fucked up my life

MY GOD why in the hell is he always right.. yes i do get upset i know i do.. but i do believe im over it.. i honestly truely believe it.. its not something im telling myself so i feel ok.. i think it just gets to me.. that he has to tell me these things.. that he enjoys fuckin with my head.. that what he did wasnt enough that he has to make it worse ever chance he gets.. and that i let him.. so honestly its my own fault. i have no one to blame but myself.. im just a sad stupid girl.. and i need to get over myself.. yea im a loser im starting to realize that more now hahaha.. but anyways.. anyone want to take out a stalker.. i can usually deal with the crazy ones.. but this one.. i cant seem to do it.. anyways.. love you guys.. more then you'll ever know..


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