Thursday, March 30, 2006

ok the truth comes out..

the post before this one.. i didnt write well not entirely.. i had to change it to be able to put into my blog and people read it and think it came from me.. sorta mold it to my situtation.. it was all for a good reason though.. instead of being attatched to her friends.. the girl who wrote the diary was attatched to her journal it was the other part of herself. she never said her feelings out loud.. i wanted to see if stating them outloud would cause an effect in my friends.. if they would try.. kind of like a personal test... not that i was testing or questioning their friend ship to me.. i wanted to see it laid at my feet i guess you could say i am selfish.. but my friends are amazing... and i always knew that and they care..

the girl who's journal that was dided three weeks after endind her journal. her parents came home from a movie and found her dead. they called the police and the hospital but it was too late. there was nothing they could do. was it an accidental overdose? a premeditated overdose? no one khows.. and in some ways that question isnt important what must be of concern is that she is dead..


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