Friday, March 24, 2006

you tried your best but you knew it wouldnt last..

so i think im ok.. i really like my new job.. its alot of work.. and it keeps me busy.. i mean to hear someone talk about it you wouldnt think so.. but its always so rush rush rush..
here's my deal today... this guy.. omg he calls me and calls me and sends me emails.. says hes in love with me. he doesnt even know me.. i dunno its people like that who scare me about meeting new people ive put up such a wall.. and im not being honest with people anymore.. watching what i say.. and thats not me.. i hate holding things in.. i just want to yell at them.. and tell them exactly what i think about them.. but i cant now.. i feel like im being held back..
anger makes you cold but life makes you weak..
i think i need a new tattoo..
well im out.. at home by myself.. bored.. everyone else.. but i got some canvas.. i want to paint someone something.. but i dont know who.. or what.. or if anyone would want me to .. whatever.. im out..


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