Friday, April 07, 2006


you will never possibly understand how close i hold our friendship.. your one of my best friends. and i love you more then anything.. i wish you could see yourself the way i see you.. maybe you would understand.. your not a typical anything.. person.. human being.. anything.. you are a gift.. that i am lucky enough to have.. and every day i thank, the internet gods.. and starbucks. for bringing us together and bringing you into my life.. i have been truely lucky. and i guess all i can say is i love you babe.. i really do.. and i thank you for understanding me.. and being there for me. when no one else would.. you are.. the best. thats all i can say.. the 3 date rule my ass. :) i love you

love n shit


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i was pumping my girlfriend's ass.....

April 08, 2006 6:15 AM  

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