Friday, June 30, 2006

south park eryn

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

maybe you should of thought about that..

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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

im loosing you..

so everything is fallin apart
1)no job
2)no car
3)my mom is sick
4)i need someone to talk to
5)josh goes back to Iraq in 5 hours..
6)i cant even get the people i love the most to notice my exsistance.
7)ive been listening to alot of death cab and blue october...
8) and i just want you to talk to me.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

and i might find in time.. that you were always right.. you're always right..

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

so what my life has come to..

i am sitting here listening to the same song over and over..
wondering where my life is going..
i just needed someone to talk to..
and no one would listen.. not one fuckin person..
sometimes i feel like life was easier when i was doing the stupid shit i was doing.
it was easier to deal with when i just hurt myself..
but thats a stupid thing to do.. and i couldnt do that to myself again..
because im the one who gets the feelings and has to tell my..
"you know better"
because no one else will..

josh is gone. :( i knew it had to happen.. i just didnt want it to..
i wont see him till next year... which is so long away.. and i dont even know if it will happen..
karen pulled the made for TV moment and told me
i should just remember the time we spent..
how many other guys would drive down from PA while on PT just to see me..
the girl they met over 2 and a half years ago.. AT A BAR!! and hadnt seen since..

people say life comes in full circle..
what goes around comes around..
if it was meant to be it will happen..
"everything changes.. if i could turn back the years.. if you could learn to forgive me then i could learn to feel.."
it seems to me like life never gets easy.. people always say once you hit rock bottom theres no where else to go.. but up..
bullshit.. as you lay there the earth starts moving.. and opens up and swallows you whole..
why cant things work out how they are suppose to? its like i try .. and i work so hard.. just to get my face pushed into the mudd..
people say ive changed over the last couple of weeks.. alot quieter.. nothing really to say.. but i dunno if they are right.. because the people who actually know me.. are no where to be found..
"when i could of been learning something.. well you know what i mean.. ive done this before.. and i will do it again.. come on and kill me baby.. while you smile like a friend.. oh and ill come running.. just to do it again"

Friday, June 23, 2006

damn you become so uncomfortably numb..

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Just another day in the life of a pool shark

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

hey hun.. just thought i would tell you

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my josh :)

so josh finally got his happy little ass down here from PA.. but will be leaving very early saturday morning.. :(.. no bueno

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Monday, June 19, 2006

i love it.. seriously..

a new "emo pic"
i never smile .. well usually
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me and my biggest fan.. austin blake.. the man
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my room
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i love him soooo much
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my back.. and my sunburn
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my cat.. sleeping weird
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sleepy cody
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me messing with cody
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hehehe sleepy!!
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awake cody
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"but nana.. she hit me"
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me and cody.. KARATE TIME!! pool style
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yea thats right.. i kicked your ass
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i love water guns..
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cody he is a little kid
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karen elizabeth..
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karen and cody
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and then after the pool
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oh yea.. i would be the dumbass who closed their eyes..
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sorry about the crack.. it happens..
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Yea my friends could kick your friends ass..
love n shit..