Tuesday, September 26, 2006

i doubt you noticed i wasnt there..

so i havent been around lately..

my bad..

dont mean not to be.. but i wasnt..

oh well.. cant change the past..

first some pictures.. then my endless rambling..

on my way to charles' house

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trying to put in his new radio

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on our way to curcuit city so they can put in the radio.. hahaha

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i love this picture

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he'a a boy ya know?

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so thats why he was laying on the floor shaking..

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i liked it..

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when did fanny packs come back??

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and how we end a nite..

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So life has been ok i guess.. i made a new friends.. hes pretty awesome..

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Lost some others.. when angry alot..
been sick..
needed someone to talk to..
got to talk to vince which helped alot..
i had some stuff inside i had let build up..
and finally it came out in a flood..
hes awesome..
i want to paint.. but cant find anything inside to let out
it will happen i hope..
i dunno life is interesting lately..
new pics of my new tattoos friday!!!
love ya mean it..


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