Saturday, September 02, 2006

and i will not be broken..

teddy .. im glad you found this blog... and im sorry you feel like all the sudden we should talk about what happened and how we feel.. well darling ill tell you how i feel. i fuckin hate you and if i never talk to you again a day in my life it will be too soon.. our relationship was nothing.. it was one sided... all you wanted was to get out of your mommy and daddy's house.. and i helped you do that.. but now look at you.. you gotta be some baby's daddy she doesnt even know who the fuckin father is.. and is she working.. pssh no.. welcome to the parent life.. ass hole.. you deserve how fucked up your life is. and i dont really care if this makes me a bitch.. i could care less if my choices make you think of less of me. ive thought less of you since i left that day.. your just a sad little man.. and you have to strike out at me because your unhappy well guess what mother fucker.. im not unhappy and i wont let you make me unhappy.. go to hell.. really quick.. dont call my phone.. cause like the last 50 times you've called it. im not answering.. your change of heart does not effect me.. and cold feet my ass.. cold feet doesnt last 7 months and have you living with some other chick. im glad we didnt get married.. and im glad ive realized what kind of person you were. my friends were right..
and one last thing.. it will be a cold day in hell before you get that ring back.. i talked to a lawyer about it.. and engagement rings are considered gifts.. and no case you present in court would get it back for you.. but if you did want to go to court i have a good case of getting money for the el camino.. the volvo.. and my last pay check so you make that your decision.. c-ya asshole..


Blogger Ruari said...

bravo ;-)

September 04, 2006 2:45 PM  

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