Wednesday, September 08, 2010

day 1 - introduce myself

My name is Eryn NaNette Walden. My maiden name is Pruitt. I was born in Bosier City, La on Feb. 16, 1984. My father was in the navy so we moved around a couple times. Florida, Tennessee, and finally Georgia. I met my beautiful, wonderful husband originally in the 5th grade and met again when we were both 23. I thought he was a pervert and hung up on him. We hung out a few days later and have been together ever since. We live in Covington, Ga. There are no children yet but perhaps soon. I love him a way huge crazy amount. We do have a dog named Lola. We have wonderful family and friends who care so much for us and want only but the best for us. We are truely blessed. I have 2 brothers Bobby who has 3 sons christian, Cameron, seth and a daughter named nevaeh. and my little brother Scotty. I have one sister named amanda. Who has one son named austin.. I have a brother and sister in law named shawn and brandy and a niece named taylor jane. I like to watch ID, the history channel, and food network. I like to read zombie books, and true crime. I love the color pink, I collect buttons, and hate washing dishes.. I have a lot of fears.. some of them include clowns, puppets, needles, and pretty much anything in a costume when its not halloween. I'm very much a mama's girl. I work with 2 years olds.. its cool.. currently my husband and I cannot be together right now by no choice of our own but that should be taken care of next month... I love him F.I.P.N.M.W.


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