Monday, April 10, 2006

you know theres always more then one way to say exactly what you mean to say..

i woke up today with the thoughts thats today will be good.. the sun is shining.. blah blah blah.. i ended it with. finding myself driving too fast.. not really caring in which direction i was going.. listenin to crappy music.. and wishing the day had never started.. i found myself picking up the phone to call people i know would never answer.. as if to rub salt in my own wounds... and honestly im so sick of people reminding me that the 22nd is right around the corner.. i know. i own a calendar.. believe me i can remember it myself..

im so sick.. of i dunno.. i guess feeling.. why do we do this..

how can one day be so good then the next.. suck so bad? why is everyone tryin their hardest to stop me? from being happy? from forgetting? i just dont want to feel anymore..


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