Tuesday, November 14, 2006

you bastard

this was mine.. and you stole it away from me.. you cant be happy until im unhappy.. its not going to happen.. i guess ill say goodbye to my spot.. my place in the web.. that only very few if any knew exsisted.. a scar left on my stomach is the only thing you ever gave me.. i played it off.. never told a soul.. to protect you.. because you said you were sorry and that you loved me.. and i was a fool.. but thats over..

I have studied many times
The marble which was chiseled for me-
A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.
In truth it pictures not my destination
But my life.
For love was offered me and I shrank from it disillusionment;
Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;
Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.
Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.
And now I know that we must life the sail
And catch the wings of destiny
Wherever they drive the boat.
To put meaning in one's life may end in madness,
But life without meaning is the torture
Of restlessness and vague desire-
It is a boat longing for the sea yet afraid.

i'm better without you..

this is my world now.. and theres no place for you..

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so far so good... or would you not agree??