Saturday, June 17, 2006

sometimes its just good to do things like you use to..

well i got up...
came home..
cleaned up a little
mannie came over..
chilled for a while..
he left to go to work..
got into the shower..
got dressed..
and now we start

karen eryn and charles DAY O FUN!!

karen came over..
we left
went and picked up charles..
went to get something to eat..
found me some yvan..
hung out with her for a minute
crazy pictures at the mall..
went to the cheesecake factory..
waited 30 minutes..
only to have the stupidest waiter EVER!!!
got our cheesecake..
then the water.
then the drinks we ordered..
then finally got an ash tray..
people watched from the patio..
left.. cruised down peachtree street...
now is where the fun begins..
made friends with SOO many people.. hot guys everywhere..
got asked by a guy in the car beside me if i would lick his balls..
of course i said no.. DUH..
but i tried to help him find someone
by sticking my head out of the car..
yelling if anyone would like to lick his balls..
i guess they were having car nite
cause we passed so many cars all jacked up..
with shit like..
jolly ranchers and skittles painted on them..
i was like what the fuck..
but then we are in traffic
we stop beside this hot ass stoned guy
who takes off his fuckin shirt to show me his tattoo..
omg i wanted him to get into the car with us..
we are lookin everywhere for hot half naked chicks for charles..
we find a few..
go to the head shop..   
look around for a few minutes..
then some chick asked karen if she worked there..
then we see some HUGE in black bra and panties..
and a sheer cover..
can we say NO BUENO??
so we leave there.. drive around..
check out the fuzz central..
these like 2 exits..
they had so many people pulled over..
it was crazy..
come back to the c-towns..
go to the gas station karen SERIOUSLY had to piss..
i got some coffee we leave..
see the Ingles.. 7 cops out front..
we are guessing they got broke into again..
drop charles off..
head to my place..
have girl talk..
i come in..
and start typing to you guys..
that was my today..
love you..
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