Wednesday, May 24, 2006

what i found in my sent box..

my friend asked for my myspace password.. and i gave it to her .. not thinking anything of it.. today im scrolling through my sent box and i find a message sent to my ex fiance. from my friend angie who i havent seen in years and talk to randomly if we are both conviently online.. this is what it said..


thanks for all the picture comments but i didnt rip my heart.. it was handed to me that way..

ok that was a bitchy move. but this isnt eryn i just knew she would never say it. so i did it for her.

i know its not my business. but i think eryn is an extrodinary person. after everything she has nothing but good things to say about you. she defends you to her friends and wont let anyone put you down. you are very VERY lucky to have a friend like her. i hope you appreciate her as much as we all do. but honestly thanks for giving her back.


it was a bitch move but thanks ang.. i love you..


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