Monday, May 01, 2006

whats new..

ive been thinkin alot..

its crazy i know.. been bery emotionally dependant lately.. since the 22nd life has been hard on me.. i mean.. where was everyone at.. the people who promised they would be there for me that day.. where the fuck were you.. but oh when you need something who is the first person you call.. eryn can i crash at your place.. eryn.. i need a favor.. im not your fuckin 711.. what the hell is wrong with you people.. i try to be a friend. i really do..i try really hard.. but you dont fuckin have the time unless it convient for you.. when i need something where the fuck are you.. oh im with brad.. oh jen.. oh jonathan.. oh shay.. oh sam.. but then the world doesnt go your way and you come screaming to me like im gonna fix it for you.. ive always tried to be the good friend.. but thats over now.. im only gonna try if you do.. i hate standing in a room full of people and feeling completely alone..

this is lame i know but its the best way to describe how i feel .. well not really
i need your arms around me, i need to feel your touch
i need your understanding, i need your love so much
you tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
but when i need you baby, you're never there

on the phone long, long distance
always through such strong resistance
first you say you're too busy
i wonder if you even miss me

never there
you're never there
you're never, ever, ever, ever there

a golden bird that flies away, a candle's fickle flame
to think i held you yesterday, your love was just a game
a golden bird that flies away, a candle's fickle flame
to think i held you yesterday, your love was just a game

you tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you care
but when i need you baby
take the time to get to know me
if you want me why can't you just show me
we're always on this roller coaster
if you want me why can't you get closer?

never there
you're never there
you're never ever ever ever there


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